James' doctor also ordered his NG tube removed! He's been doing okay with his feedings, so the doctor decided to try him without it to see how he does for 48 hours. If he doesn't consistently drink at least 35 mls of breastmilk, it might have to be have put back in, but we feel fairly confident that he can do it. We so enjoyed seeing his little face without any tubes!
By the way, James is growing and putting on some weight. He now weighs 5lb 7oz!
Sounds like he is coming along nicely. We will be praying that his oxgyen level will not drop when in the carseat and that he will drink all his meals via his bottle.
Kelly and John,
We're continuing in prayer - we're happy to hear about James' progress - praying for Thanksgiving!
Approaching God's throne with requests for God's love, peace and health for you and your family. May God continue to bless your family.
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