Tuesday, April 15, 2008

God is good all the time!

James had an appointment with Dr. Scheimann from Texas Children's Hospital last Thursday. He weighed 12 lb 10 oz!

Dr. Scheimann said he is now ready for growth hormone, but we need to see a pediatric endocrinologist first as our insurance plan requires that growth hormone be prescribed by one. We hope to get an appointment with Dr. Yafi at Memorial Hermann so that James can start growth hormone as soon as possible. Growth hormone not only helps with height but it also increases lean body mass, decreases body fat, and improves motor skill acquisition.

Dr. Scheimann also thought James still had problems with reflux, so she changed some of his medications, changed his formula (which we use to fortify my breastmilk), and asked me to cut out all dairy foods from my diet. I haven't missed the milk too much, but we do eat a lot of cheese at our house. And a friend pointed out to me that I need to cut out all baked goods with butter too! Please pray for my self-discipline. Ah, the things we endure for our children!

We attended a camp last Saturday with other PWS kids and their families. It was great to meet other parents and see other kids and how they are doing. PWS is somewhat of a spectrum syndrome in that some individuals have more symptoms than others. We met some kids who had obvious struggles in certain areas but not others as well as some who looked quite "normal." We feel very thankful for this opportunity to meet others in the same situation.

Please continue to pray for James' feedings. He still has the NG tube until he can take more by bottle. He has been especially fussy this week during feedings since we have changed his reflux medications. On the positive side, he turns six months old this Friday, and we have been given the okay to start solids!