Tuesday, March 4, 2008


One of the downsides of having sisters who love to hug and kiss is that baby could get sick, and that is what has happened to James. He caught a cold from them about a week ago, but I didn't worry too much about it. I took him to the doctor today for a well-baby check, and she thought he sounded wheezy. So she has prescribed nebulizer treatments for him for the next two weeks.

On a positive note, he's now 10lb 8oz! He's really growing as a result of the increased feeding via the feeding tube. I'm thankful that he is growing, but I'm also thankful that he stayed small for so long so I could enjoy that little baby phase a little longer than usual.

John's mom is leaving Houston on Saturday, so starting next week, I'll be home with three kids ages three and under. Pray for strength!


Unknown said...

Hope you get better soon James!

May G said...

will pray that he will recover from his cold soon. it's no fun when it passes from one child to another to another. need meals??

yamster said...

Glad to hear James continues to put on weight. Hope he has a speedy recovery from the cold. Also hope you're able to find some downtime after managing all three kids on your own!