Monday, June 9, 2008

Long Overdue

This post is so long overdue, but things have been really busy this last month.

James has been pulling out his NG tube a lot lately, so we took it out and have been trying to really push him with milk and solids. During the first week without the tube, he lost some weight, but we are happy to report that he gained five ounces last week! He now weighs 14lb 3oz and is about 24in long. He takes about 4-5 4oz bottles a day plus breakfast and dinner. He is our growing boy.

James is also doing well developmentally. He has been really interested in playing with his feet and he can roll clear across the room. He can hold up his head pretty well now and he is working on sitting. We recently tried putting him in the exersaucer and he loves it!

Here are some recent pictures:

Elisabeth decided to dress her little brother up in her Snow White dress.

James takes his first bite of banana during a speech therapy session. That's Bridget, our speech-language pathologist, on the right.

Family shot at a gathering celebrating Abigail's birthday.


M & M said...

Wow! that is wonderful that he is "tube-free"! I know it was such a trial to have to replace it (even yourself :) ) and that he is gaining weight still...God is faithful!
Poor little boy. I had 2 younger brothers who had to endure such indignities too...:)
Love the family photo!

The Chen Family said...

Happy birthday to Abigail! James looks great in that snow white dress!