Monday, July 21, 2008

Finally, An Update!

I promise to post a longer update later, but we are still here, and James is doing well. He is prop sitting for short periods of time and rolling all over the place. He loves all kinds of fruit, but he really doesn't care for broccoli and cauliflower. He got his first haircut a few weeks ago, and he looks so much older with his little buzz cut! Last week we rented a beach house in Galveston for a few nights, and James loved the beach. Actually, he loved sleeping on the beach, because every time we took him out there, he fell asleep! It must have been the sounds of the ocean that relaxed him. We will upload all our recent pictures and post them very soon. Stay tuned!


May G said...

james gave me the sweetest sweetest smile yesterday. it was great seeing you all!

becky lai said...

can't wait to see the new photos!