Friday, January 25, 2008

Another Answered Prayer

Thank you all for your responses. It was so touching to read your comments and to see how many people are still reading and more importantly, praying.

James had an appointment with the pediatrician today. He weighed 8lb 12.5oz and measured 20.5in long. He has finally outgrown all his preemie clothes and is now wearing newborn and 0-3 month clothing.

One request we mentioned a few weeks ago was for James to get more therapy. Through some contacts, we found out that we can request PT and Speech evaluations from ECI. We did, and they will be sending out therapists in mid-February. Also, our therapists from the hospital are trying to arrange for James to see them on an outpatient basis one to two times a week, and our pediatrician wrote out the prescription for therapy today. We asked God for more therapy for James, and He has answered our prayers! God is so good.

Please continue to pray for James' feedings, which are still taking a long time. A "good" feeding lasts 20 minutes; a "bad" feeding takes an hour. He also has a cold, which has made him a little congested. But the good part about his congestion is that he has shown us how much his upper body strength has improved. He tries to push the bottle away with his hands; several times I've even dropped the bottle because he pushed it away so hard! So even in our difficult times, we have been able to find the good things.

"But God has surely listened and hear my voice in prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!" Psalm 66:19-20


May G said...

Yeah! Will be praying for quicker feeding and stronger muscle development.

Carita said...

Praise God! There is no doubt our Father knows best and loves His children more than we can ever know. Do keep up with the post because we love knowing what's going on so we can be praying. Of course, seeing the pictures are great too!

Becca said...

It's so cute to see Elisabeth listening to James' heart and lungs! Glad that the doctor is prescribing more therapy for James. James is so big now! Good job!!! Will pray about the long feeds. I know that's annoying...

M & M said...

Isn't God good to give you the encouragement you need just when you need it? Even though the feedings are still difficult, He has remembered you guys and answered prayers!!!