Monday, January 28, 2008


Yesterday, James didn't drink much milk at his 8am feeding. We were running out of time because we needed to get to church, so I didn't push him. So during worship service, guess who started to cry out loud because he was hungry? That's right - Baby James! I thought it would be just a one time incident, but he continued to cry on and off during the rest of the day when he was hungry. I have never been so excited to hear my baby cry as I have with James. Sometimes I want to just let him cry longer because it's such a sweet sound.

By the way, we asked James' doctor about his "God-highlighted" hair. According to her, it's not something these kids outgrow. So James is stuck with his brown hair with blond highlights. As I've been telling people, some Asians pay a lot of money for hair like his.

"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Luke 12:7


May G said...

yeah for healthy lungs! i have been known to let my kids cry... for slightly different reasons! ha ha!!

Ming said...

Thank God! James' lung is growing stronger! And I agree, those crying is sweet sweet music to a mama's ear.

M & M said...

Isn't that hair fun?

Peter said...

i love that hair, hahaha =)

milkmommy said...

i love baby james hair. i wish i had highlights like him - i have white hairlights :)